Protest Against Mandatory Detention and the Malaysian Solution

27th August 2011

A demonstration on the tenth anniversary of the Tampa incident outside the Perth domestic airport detention centre to voice opposition of mandatory detention of asylum seekers. Demonstrators marched around the centre, at one point braking down a fence. "Azadi" (freedom) was shouted by the crowd on outside and echoed by asylum seekers on the inside. 

Behind the walls of the detention centre loud music was being played to stop asylum seekers communicating with protesters, however  with little effect.

Organised by Refugee Rights Action Network (WA)


Walk away from uranium mining - Wiluna to Perth walk

17th August 2011

The walk from Wiluna to Perth is about a 10 week trek beginning on the 21st August. Today's rally is to mark the send off and to tell the Barnett government to highlight public concern about uranium mining and the nuclear industry.
Organised by Uraniumfree WA.